The CHROFF Kunststofftechnik GmbH is your efficient and competent Full-Service-Partner when it comes to the use and processing of plastics. The owner-managed company headquartered in Scheßlitz, near to the Upper-Franconian world heritage city of Bamberg, was founded in 1999. We accompany our customers from the product development up to the series production. Mainly, we supply the  automotive electrical engineering, and medical technology industries with high quality plastic components.  Our high quality oriented way of thinking is reflected in the zero-error strategy of our company: We filter out the sources and causes of possible errors, and develop strategies for the future avoidance of this error.

Our areas of expertise are:

  • Assembly groups
  • Precision parts
  • Multi-component parts
  • Transparent parts (such as light guides)
  • Parts  with finished surfaces
  • Currently, we produce customer-specific items in the weight range of 0.01 g to 500 g, as well as assemblies (up to 40 individual parts).
Electrical Engineering an Entertainment Electronics
Medical Technology
Consumer Goods
Energy and Environment
Security Technology
Conscrutction and Building Service
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